Saturday, November 24, 2012

"A corrected edition of 'AA ot M'?" 3 Comments

The Emoluments of Mars

        Nah—just kidding. Mike wouldn't do that. But I couldn't resist teasing him when he announced a special 'Black Friday' deal on his primitive blog. Dear Mike--

Isn't it time for a corrected edition? Your readers surely deserve better than fuzzy pictures of Proclus, Asada and Picard when LROC strips of these craters exist at 100x better resolution.

It would give you an opportunity, too, to retract the Italian scan of East Massif -- given that Davide De Martin, who did the scan, has said the "spar" is a scanning fault.

I hope you'd also eliminate your excruciatingly wrong paragraph about the appearance of Earth from space.

On the other hand, I guess the down side is that, if you corrected the book, there wouldn't be much left of it. New readers can decode the text by referring back to these bloggeries:

Proclus and Asada
Italian scan of East Massif
Earth from Space (error #15)

Any bets on whether he'll allow the comment to appear?

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Blogger Misti Parker said...
I wouldn't dream of pre-judging the fantasy.
November 24, 2012 2:24 PM
Anonymous Strahlungsamt said...
Oh God!

Now that Bad Astronomy has moved to Slate, the quality of the comments has gone straight to the gutter.

I just went to the page about the exciting discovery on Mars that NASA is supposedly covering up, scrolled down to the comments until I found this (copied and pasted with all spelling errors intact).

Thomas Turk
Why would nasa tell you anything now. They altered the color phots of previous Mars photos to show red instead of blue atmosphere. They degraded the Mars 'Face' to make it look like a natural piece of rock, wheres early shots showed symmetry, teeth, eyes etc. They ignored the geometric structures, mechanicak parts etc that the airbrushers omitted to airbrush out, so why expect anyjthing now, apart from maybe... microbes.

If you open you will need to re-organise your thinking and, you will defintiely stop waiting for snippets of info/misinfo from nasa. After all it was agreed at Brookings in 1958 that should there be any discoveries of past civilizations in our solar system in the upcoming space programs, they would not be disseminated.

The question is, is this Hoagie or one of his sheep/followers?
And that's not the worst of them. Trouble is, Slate gets a different audience from Discovery so Donald Trump's hair and Obama's birth cert get brought up quite a bit. Not to mention Tea partiers complaining about NASA wasting their precious tax dollars.
November 24, 2012 2:29 PM
Blogger Misti Parker said...
NASA and Hoagland are hiding the fact that there is nothing to hide.

If anything, they manufacture a Brookings friendly veneer to cover the fact that the supposed ETs are actually inter dimensional; the Watchers.

If man is descended from Martians, or vice versa, who perhaps came from Orion, or even if they are Space NAZIS, then at least we are all the same species.

The next step would be for our cousins to share their high technology in benevolent fashion, and support our system of government.

Of course some new fangled religion must also be established, because otherwise people might not be so willing to submit their sovereignty to the New World Order under control of demonic forces.

November 24, 2012 3:26 PM

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